

DOB: 1/10/22

ORGIN: Redboy x Jocko x Bolio x Tombstone

Sugar is a lanky and tall, with adorable freckles across her chest. She is a regular James Bond with her cleverness and is always on some kind of secret mission! Specifically, she has quite the knack for finding all kinds of small hidden treasures throughout the property. Her favorite thing to do is to play with the other dogs, running around and exploring. She is just beginning her sport training, as well, so it will be interesting to see which events she excels at. Sugar is often too busy to get pets, but when she does want to cuddle, she is as sweet as her name is!

All of our pitbulls are registered with the ABDA and are DNA verified. Each one receives full vaccinations, regular vet care, and monthly flea and heartworm protection. We absolutely adore our dogs and provide them with excellent healthcare, nutrition, training, socialization, and lots of love!